In honor of the Power Rangers film now playing in theaters, I thought it would be helpful to offer some essential episodes to catch of these spandex-wearing crime fighters. Since the show has been running for 24 years and over 800 episodes, it can seem like a pretty overwhelming catalog to sort through, but as someone who’s hung around since a couple of astronauts accidentally opened up Rita’s dumpster on the moon, I can offer some essentials for those looking for extra morphin action, after they leave the theater.
Editor’s note: Power Rangers is a show that derives from the Japanese series, Super Sentai, that has been around for 41 years. The show is spliced together, editing out scenes with the Japanese characters and reshot with a different story, different plot, and different characters. Zord scenes and fight scenes in the morphed suits are among the scenes that are often taken from the corresponding Sentai season. Therefore, when I might mention the phrase “Sentai footage,” I am speaking in regards to the shots taken from Japan and recontextualized to fit the plot of the Power Rangers episode.