GC #26: Book Recommendations and Iron Fist

On this week’s Geek Confidential podcast Luke Kerr and Dan Pearce are joined by Harlequin assistant editor Carly Silver.

The trio reveals their favorite and current must-read sci-fi and fantasy books.

Carly’s Recommendations:

Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

Court of Five Series by Kate Elliott

Tortall series by Tamora Pierce

Dan’s Recommendations:

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Drown by Junot Diaz

The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

This How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz

Infants of the Spring by Wallace Thurman

Luke’s Recommendations:

Godspeaker trilogy by Karen Miller

The Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne trilogy by Brian Staveley

Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

The 13th Continuum trilogy by Jennifer Brody

Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes

Carly shares her passions for #Ownvoices #WNDB #MSWL and recommends the Women of Color in Romance blog run by Rebekah Weatherspoon.

This week’s Geek Confidential podcast wraps with Luke and Dan discussing Marvel’s Iron Fist on Netflix. Is Iron Fist as bad as the early reviews made it seem? What are the best and worst elements of the first half of the season? Tom Pelphrey is a standout as Ward Meachum in the early episodes, but it’s the return of Wai Ching Ho as Madame Gao that steals the show. Dan weighs in on Roy Thomas’ controversial interview with Inverse about the show.

All this and much more on the latest Geek Confidential episode.

Twitter: @GKConfidential@Luke_Kerr, @RealDanPearce and @CarlyASilver

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