Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole to Exit Doctor Who

Photo Credit: BBC America

It looks like the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) is losing two of her three companions.

According to the Mirror, Bradley Walsh, who portrays one of the doctor’s three companions Graham O’Brien, is leaving Doctor Who.

Reportedly, Walsh will exit during the upcoming holiday special along with Tosin Cole, who portrays Ryan. In January Cole was cast in AMC’s legal drama 61st Street.

There is good news for Whovian fans of Yaz. Mandip Gill will be returning for the third season of Whittaker’s Doctor.

In an upcoming, special Doctor Who season recap Geek Confidential podcast, one of our critiques of Jodie Whittaker’s second season is that the writers didn’t give the Doctor the opportunity to absorb the season’s massive revelations because there were so many companions to write for.

Could the loss of Graham and Ryan allow for more emphasis on the Doctor? Are you sad that one or both of the actors are leaving Doctor Who? Let us know in the comments below!

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Written by Luke Kerr

Founder and host of Geek Confidential and Daytime Confidential.

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