The creators of The Kaiju Score really, well, scored.
The first issue of the upcoming AfterShock Comic hasn’t even hit stands and Sony Pictures is already developing it into a movie. Writer James Patrick and artist Rem Broo brought to life a story of four characters, planning the perfect heist during a giant monster attack.
“The Kaiju Score is a Quentin Tarantino film taking place in some corner of a Godzilla movie. You have this giant canvas of a kaiju attack occurring, and as it happens there’s this more personal story going on. And after that setup, it explores how these four characters, who are in just the worst situation in their lives, believe the only way out is to do this impossible thing. This crazy crime. It’s about that desperation.”
According to Deadline, Sony Pictures picked up the film, which comes from Escape Artists and Aftershock.
Patrick shared in a statement their reaction to everything falling into place so quickly.
“Despite the fact that things happened with the publisher and movie deal so fast, this was a book that was developed for a while and it’s nice to see a payoff. And there’s a sense of relief since Rem had committed himself to it so long ago and put in so much work before anything ever came of it. And I can’t communicate enough how excited I am that this is with Sony and Escape Artists. They make great movies and I feel the material is in great hands. I can’t believe how lucky we got.”
The Kaiju Score Issue #1 hits comic book store shelves November 25.