Watch The Suicide Squad Trailer!

Suicide Squad 2 trailer
Photo Credit: Warner Bros

The Suicide Squad trailer is here and the weird and wacky team of DC anit-heroes are re-uniting to fight evil!

The film is a completely different than 2016’s Suicide Squad. There are a few familiar faces including Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) and Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman). However, everyone else is brand new to the squad. James Gunn serves as director!

In the trailer, the team appears in mid-mission! Bloodsport (Idris Elba) is talking trash to Peacemaker (John Cena) and Flag. King Shark (Sylvester Stallone) can be seen in the background. Rick mentions they cannot leave one of their own behind. Amanda Waller appears and warns them to be careful while rescuing Harley Quinn!

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As Flag begins to prepare the team for extraction, Harley appears behind him. She’s touched they were coming to save her, but she doesn’t need any help. As usual, Waller is pulling metahumas out of prison to complete several tasks for her. Jump out of line, and she will detonate the explosive device she had placed in their brains. Waller choses Savant (Michael Rooker), Blackguard (Pete Davidson), and Weasel (Sean Gunn) to join the team.

Soon, explosions, guns and old fashioned fist fights fill the screen. Not to mention, King Shark munching on his favorite snack: humans! Bloodsport is the leader this go around as the squad must battle Thinker (Peter Capaldi) in order to survive!

Check out the full trailer below!

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Written by Melodie Aikels

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